… -july-2023
Можно участвовать в тендерах - risk free. Кратко условия (подробно ниже): вы вносите 10% от предлагаемой вами суммы на депозит. Если ваша ставка проиграет, вам депозит возвращают. Если выйграете - вносите еще 10% - после чего сделка на рассмотрение идет в кабинет министров. Если не одобрят - вам возвращают всё. Если одобрят - вы платите остальное (за право аренды) , после чего оформляется аренда на ваше имя , эта аренда до 2037г с ценой аренды 50 - 100 паанга в год (символическая цена) ; но за пару лет до окончания можно подать на продление аренды, и с высокой долей вероятности ее одобрят. Это стандартная практика "покупки" участков на Тонге. Полной собственности нет (ни у кого, не только у иностранцев) , но есть такая вот "право на аренду" на много лет, которую можно и перепродать.
Цены в тендерах можно предлагать любые, какую считаете справедливой или "вы бы купили", и были случаи, когда за очень смешные цены людям доставались лоты, вероятность есть, так как желающих в принципе не так уж и много, то есть вот в данный момент пока кто-то решит, время-то этого тендера пройдет.
Properties Located at Tongatapu, Tonga
INTERESTED PARTIES are invited to tender for the leasehold lands and improvements described below (hereinafter referred to as “the Property”) by ANZ Banking Group Ltd (ANZ).
Details of the Properties are as follows:
1. The Property is situated at Utulau and is described as Lot 98, Survey Office Plan 78/89, registered Deed of Lease no.8959.
The Property is offered on an "as is where is" basis
Expiry Date of Lease: 02.01.2037
Rental per-year: $50.00 T.O.P
Area: Land: 3.367 ha
2. The Property is Oneata Island and is described as Lot 2, Survey Office Plan 2111 (DG 192/74), registered Deed of Lease no.9129
Expiry Date of Lease: 05.10.2037
Rental per-year: $100.00 T.O.P
Area: Land: 8a 1r
( остров вот этот:`oneata_island,4032381
3. The Property is situated at Longolongo, Kolomotu’a and is described as Lot 2, Survey Office Plan 746, registered Deed of Lease no. 9871.
Expiry Date of Lease: 02.05.2041
Rental per-year: $50.00 T.O.P
Area: Land: 1023 m2
The disposition of the Property will be by way of sub-lease and is subject to approval from the Minister of Lands, Survey and Natural Resources and the Cabinet of the Government of Tonga.
The highest or any tender need not necessarily be accepted.
Each tender bid is to be in writing and accompanied by a bank cheque in the amount of 10% of the bid lodged.
Deposits will be returned to the unsuccessful tenderers within fourteen days of the successful tenderer being determined.
The successful tenderer will be notified in writing and will be required, as a condition precedent, to pay a further 10% of the bid price by bank cheque within five working days of being notified of the acceptance of their offer, and to enter into a formal agreement for the transfer of the Property reflecting the terms of this tender and otherwise as acceptable to ANZ.
The balance of the bid price will be payable within five working days of the date that the parties are notified of the granting of cabinet approval to the transfer of the lease.
All costs required for the completion of registration of the transfer such as registration fees etc. shall be borne by the successful tenderer.
All bids will be deemed to be exclusive of consumption tax (if any).
ANZ will not be liable for any costs associated with the Property after the transfer of the Property to the successful tenderer has been completed, except for any outstanding utilities costs incurred while the Property was in ANZ’s possession.
In the event that the necessary consents of the Sub- Lease to the successful tenderer are refused then all monies paid by the successful tenderer to the to ANZ will be refunded within 14 days from the date that ANZ is notified of the refusal of such consents.
All enquiries regarding of the Property should be directed to Mr Paul Schaumkel, Tonga Real Estate ( / Ph:7714977 or 8870040).
Tenders close at 5pm on 07th July 2023 and should be delivered in a sealed envelope and addressed as follows: -
ANZ Banking Group Ltd
Ma’ufanga Branch
Cnr Vuna Road & Bypass Rd
Attention: Sefo Halahingano
No tenders will be received or considered after 5pm on 07th July 2023
Matangi Tonga Online ref. #7400 Tonga Real Estate, 23 June - 7 July 2023
Tray orientation changed to horizontal.