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Официальный Стратегический футуристический план развития Тонга-2035 :)

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Копирую текст с http://matangitonga.to/2016/03/29/tonga … ience-2035
(но там он через пару дней станет недоступным для чтения).

Это как пища для размышлений и информация, наталкивающая на возникновение бизнес-идей, которым, вероятно, будет оказана поддержка-одобрение.

An ambitious National Climate Change Policy to build a Resilient Tonga by 2035 was launched by the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister for Climate Change, Hon. Siaosi Sovaleni in February. The policy aims for 100% renewable energy, and includes a mulititude of other goals that check boxes such as gender considerations and equity for disadvantaged groups, along with designing Category 5 cyclone resistant homes.

He admitted that to aim for a Resilient Tonga by 2035 is an ambitious and a costly plan, but taking into account that Tonga is extremely vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change and disaster risks, a National Climate Change Policy must be developed and implemented in order to achieve the resilience goals.

He believed that a National Climate Change Policy could be implemented within five years, guided by the following principles:
A Resilient Tonga for the future - A Resilient Tonga requires a redesigned approach that brings together traditional knowledge and values with 21st century knowledge and technology, in order to address the realities of climate change.
Strong leadership and good governance - The realization of a Resilient Tonga will require clear, strong and consistent governance.
A holistic, multi-faceted, multi-sectoral approach - A holistic, multi-faceted, multi-sectoral approach will be adopted. Inherent in this approach will be the precautionary principle, ensuring that benefits apply more broadly than just to climate change.
Integration and mainstreaming - The design and development of a Resilient Tonga will require proactive change involving an integrated approach to adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and mitigation. This will be mainstreamed into all applicable laws, policies, plans and activities from national to local level.
Community ownership, stakeholder participation and collaboration - The realization of a Resilient Tonga will require strong community ownership, participation of all stakeholders, and collaboration between all government ministries as well as between government, the private sector and civil society.
Equity and fairness - Initiatives, programmes and projects will ensure the equitable accessibility and distribution of all benefits, information and support to marginal and disadvantaged groups, recognizing their differing vulnerabilities to climate change.
Gender considerations - In recognizing that men and women face different social, environmental, and economic situations, gender issues will be considered in all planning and implementation processes. A better understanding of the vulnerabilities and capacities of different gender groups to deal with climate change will be promoted.
On-going capacity development - On-going capacity development will be required at all levels to ensure a sustained effort towards the common goal of building resilience.
Long-term sustainability - Initiatives and programmes will be designed to deliver long-term, positive, environmental, social, and economic benefits that are founded on ensuring self-sufficiency at all levels of Tongan society.
Multi-disciplinary science and evidence based responses - Policy formulation, planning and action will be based on scientifically and technically sound data and formation, while recognizing the value of traditional knowledge.”

The policy envisages that Tonga will be a transformed socially, economically and environmentally, in the following ways:
Every coastal community has a special management area and protected coastal environment
Redesigned, resilient, roads, coastal areas, buildings, and other infrastructure
Resilient homes, schools, and community halls (i.e. incorporating design for Category 5 cyclones, a minimum of 30,000 litre water storage capacity for homes, solar power and hot water, bio-digesters for biogas production, organic gardens, food preservation)
A transport system that is not reliant on fossil fuels
100 percent renewable energy
Resilient low chemical input or organic farming systems
30% of land in Tonga utilized for agro-forestry or forestry
Native biodiversity is fully protected and enhanced
The capacity for food self-sufficiency in times of crisis, and significantly reduced reliance on imported food
Well managed water resources and sufficient water for all in times of shortage
Development and full implementation of a zero waste policy
All families and communities understand climate change and the need for disaster preparedness and have taken action to be resilient
Strengthened parliamentary and institutional capacities working towards achieving resilience targets
Resilience measures are mainstreamed into applicable laws and are integral to all public and private sector policies, plans and development programmes and projects
Resilient agriculture with enhanced crop production and food security
Education for resilience is incorporated into curricula at all levels of primary, secondary and tertiary education
A gender responsive and equitable society
An innovative and proactive private sector that is a model for resilience
An economy that works harmoniously with the needs for a resilient environment and society
Sustainable funding for climate change and resilience building needs.

The outcome was also envisioned in a graphic that accompanied the statement.

The policy is being formulated as part of Tonga's contribution to achieving the objectives of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.



Хе-хе, я уже несколько дней в эйфории от этой новости. Она мне, кстати, попалась на сайте, посвященном agroforestry. Все совпадает с мыслями и планами. Самые правильные направления имхо, даже не ожидал, что все так серьезно будет "сверху", обычно такие вещи снизу пробивают.


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